About Us

  • SASMiNT: Your Trusted Partner for Transport Legislation & Legal Upskilling
  • Stay informed and compliant with South Africa’s transport and Labour related legislation.
  • SASMiNT is the leading provider of easy-to-understand transport legislation resources for corporates and companies in South Africa. We offer a comprehensive range of solutions, including:
  • Printed Legislation Charts: Clear and concise summaries of complex legislation for quick reference.
    Convenient eBooks: Accessible digital versions of transport legislation for on-the-go learning.
    Informative Seminars: Invaluable insights into legislative changes, compliance requirements, and best practices.

  • Why Choose SASMiNT?

    Industry Specialization: We focus exclusively on the transport industry, ensuring solutions tailored to your specific needs.

    Unparalleled Accuracy: Our meticulously designed resources undergo rigorous review processes for guaranteed reliability.

    Expert Team: Benefit from the combined knowledge of legal and transport professionals.

    Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize your satisfaction with personalized support throughout our engagement.

    Trusted Reputation: Our commitment to excellence has earned us the trust of major corporations and individuals.

    • Join SASMiNT today and navigate the ever-changing transport legal landscape with confidence!
    • Contact us now to learn more about our solutions and how we can help you stay informed and compliant.
    • Empower Teams, Showcase Values:
      Customized Legal Charts by SASMiNT
    • Happy Employees, Strong Businesses: SASMiNT crafts clear legal charts reflecting your brand’s commitment to empowered & supported teams.
    • Benefits:
    • Compliance & Clarity: Simplified legal resources for a thriving workforce.
      Access Laws Anytime, Anywhere: Simplify Legal Research with SASMiNT
    • Ditch the heavy binders! SASMiNT’s digital legislation puts the law at your fingertips 24/7. Busy professionals can find what they need instantly, anywhere.

      Visit our SHOP for our extensive range. We are continually adding. If it is not on the list contact us.

    • Non- Approved Companies

      Warning from the Labour Department – Buying from non-government approved companies is a No-No.

      Non-approved Risks

      The risk when buying from non-approved suppliers is not recommended. This contravenes Government regulations.

      Important Questions to ask

      Verify that you supplier is Government approved. Ask questions.