Digital Creations

Our Digital Offerings.

  • Conversion of Policies, Procedures, Terms and conditions into digital e-Flipbooks.
  • Conversion of Legal Documentation into digital e-Flipbooks.
  • Conversion of Contracts into digital e-Flipbooks.

This is highly beneficial for the busy professional as these are available 24/7 on all your internet connected devices.

  • Conversion Types
    • Employees employment contracts, company policy and procedures can be online which serves as a constant reminder of their terms and conditions of employment.
    • Required Labour legislation can be viewed by all using their electronic devices.
    • Legal Documentation can be converted which is convenient for all involved as there is no necessity to print all out.

All are highly customizable, searchable and branded to Company Specifications.

View a sample here of the
Minimum Wage Act 2022. 

Username – eLegals                Password – password

We can convert any and all of your requirements into cloud based eFlipbooks.

Contact us HERE for your specialized requirements.