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Know The Rules & Regulations – PROXIES.

We can assist by designing a workable and implementable plan that will prepare your company for the onslaught of TRAFFIC FINES within the company.


Most Proxies would have never accepted the position if they were made aware of the risks.

  • Proxies freedom of movement is jeopardized, their private lives are affected.
  • Traffic Fines are part of a Fleet Owners portfolio of challenges.
  • Traffic fines can incur criminal records.
  • Criminal records incur loss of Professional Driving Permit (PrDP)
  • In terms of the National Road Traffic Act Regulations the Proxy is deemed as the RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR within your company who deals with all matters pertaining to the use of motor vehicles on South African Roads.
  • This includes, Traffic Violations, Roadworthy issues, Licensing, driver behaviour, etc.
  • Most Proxies are unaware of the huge responsibilities they bear and the risks of the position.
  • Most proxies are not adequately upskilled to manage this serious position effectively.
  • This could expose the Fleet Owner to legal action should the proxy be negatively affected through the non-payment of traffic fines, Warrants of Arrest etc.
  • There are certain procedures that a Proxy needs to implement to protect themselves as well as the Fleet Owner.
  • There are certain procedures that a Fleet Owner must implement to ensure the Proxy is appointed correctly and is adequately upskilled for the position.

FLEET OWNERS need to ensure the designated Proxy is aware of the risks of the position.

SASMiNT is well positioned to upskill your Proxy. Learning the ins and outs of traffic regulations will effectively protect business continuity.

Managing employees, fleet and associated challenges effectively and timeously will be a breeze.

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