Our roads are full of unroadworty vehicles and careless drivers.

View this video clip
(Not for sensitive viewers. Graphic in Content)

What do you think caused this accident? (Post your comments hereunder)

  • Roadworthy issue – Left hand front tyre burst?
  • Fatigue?
  • Sickness – Heart Attack?
  • Loss of concentration – Dropped his cup of coffee, cigarette?

We will never know. However it is safe to assume that it could have been any of the above factors.

  • Peruse the video carefully and you will see that extensive damage and fatalities have occurred.
  • If it could be proven to be a roadworthy issue, Law Enforcement would ensure that the company/fleet/proxy/owner would be prosecuted. Effective management could have prevented this accident.
  • Resulting in arrest, prison time, substantial penalties, etc.
  • The resultant loss of life and Brand Damage is incalculable.

Leave your comments hereunder on what your thoughts are? (Keep it clean, above board and no foul language. Comments wil be vetted and posted online for all to see and a learning curve for some.)

Should you wish to find out more, attend one of our seminars on “How Your Company can Improve Road Safety”. Click this LINK to view dates in Cape Town and Johannesburg. 


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