Is a SUPERBIKE a tool to break the law?
You will seldom find owners adhering to road laws and speed limits.

Many obscure their numberplates, drive recklessly, speed excessively and have little regard for others. It seems they feel they have a right to abuse the laws that govern other motorists.

VIEW VIDEO HERE (Not for sensitive viewers. Graphic in Content)

What are your thoughts on this?
It is always nice to garner thoughts from others on this controversial subject.

Leave your comments hereunder on what your thoughts are? (Keep it clean, above board and no foul language. Comments wil be vetted and posted online for all to see and a learning curve for some.)

Should you wish to find out more, attend one of our seminars on “How Your Company can Improve Road Safety”. Click this LINK to view dates in Cape Town and Johannesburg. 


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